Sunday, March 28, 2010

Everything YOU say, everything YOU do, everything that YOU choose, and the reaction that you have to your experiences makes you who you are.   No one else can do anything about the way that you look. Without anyone else having to say a single word.  

Other people are not oblivious; they are intuitive and analytical by nature. They are always going to know who you are and what you are just by watching you and your choices.  People make judgment calls and have impressions of people that are out of anyone else's control but your own.

99% of the time despite personal differences everyone comes to an understanding in some way, they accept each other and they learn to coexist.  It isn't automatic and without effort. It is possible to coexist but not possible to have a utopia where everyone is agreeing with everyone else's choices and everyone you meet is going to be your best friend. You have to accept the responsibility for your choices and reactions to reality. Acknowledge the relationship level that you have with everyone else. If you are not satisfied with who you really are, you are the only one that knows how to change this.

If you cant "get no satisfaction" it really is up to you to make changes.  No one else knows.  They cannot read your mind. And are they not responsible for doing that.  Everyone has their own issues that they are actually already dealing with in their own lives.  They have no other way of knowing what your person problems are, or where you are coming from except for their impression you leave them from your choices.  They cannot bear responsibility for those things that you control.

Normal adults do not compete or occupy their time with worrying about issues like “peer pressure” or “popularity contests” and they hold themselves accountable for the way that they look and act. Life is not a competition. When you reach a level of maturity you realize that jealousy is such a waste of time in the big picture and sea of choices everyone has in life.  

People that try to "keep up with the Jones' " all their lives and that is ALL THAT THEY CARE ABOUT drive themselves crazy when they realize that the Jones' not only don't really want the same things that they want they never realized that there was a competition in the first place.  And all this time you could have tried to actually decide what YOU really wanted and things would have been alot more satisfying.  You just don't really look like the Jones'.  And the reason is because that isn't what you really want and you only care about the way it looks to everyone.    

You have your own potential.  Everyone does.  And it is something everyone works on in their own way. 

When you do things in your own way and apply your own perspective, you will not come off to other people as being superficial, insincere, or shady.  When you pretend or do things in artificial ways it shows.   When you enjoy what you are doing and make better choices that work for YOU it also shows.  

You decide the way that you "look" to others. What you learn and achieve and the accomplishments you will make, how you speak or dress, how professional you are, how positive of a thinker that you want to be seen, how trustworthy and respectful (people that feel entitled and don't have respect for others have trouble being trusted), how much fun, what type of lifestyle that you will lead, what religious affiliation that you will follow or lack thereof.  It really isn't rocket science to come to terms with the fact that it really is all your choice.  How else are those changes going to happen?  Not by worrying about someone ELSE'S choices...

No one else can make the same exact choices and achieve the same results because...those choices are not the genuine desires that someone else really has.  No one knows better than you.  It is a waste of time to envy  someone else's desires or choices that will never work for you in the big picture anyway.  It doesn't benefit you or anyone else if you don't come to terms with what YOU really want.

If you act like a jackass and don’t have any remorse, logically you will look like a jackass (its beyond anyone else’s control) and you will be treated like a jackass.  Until you change you are just going to be seen as a JACKASS.   

No one is going to want to be involved with you.  And no one can DO anything about it except you.  Everyone else can sort of sense with their five senses what you probably think, they can see what you are doing, and  they hear what you are saying.  This is what creates their impression of you and determines what level of respect that they genuinely feel toward you.

It is the easy way out to just decide to be a jackass and not even care about the consequences of your actions, but you have to understand that other people CHOOSE not to do things in that way. It is NOT easier for them to do things in a more logical.  When YOU CHOOSE to BE a jackass other people will not want to take the fall for your stupidity and lack of concern.   It just isn’t their problem if you look bad.  They actually have no idea of what your problem really.

If all you concern yourself with is whether someone else’s “thinks that they are better than you are” then look at yourself and do something positive because everyone else notices.  People seem to gravitate toward others that they have an interest in and if all you seem to project is negativity, they are repelled by nature.  It has nothing to do with any type of personal advantage.

Look at yourself and ask yourself if you are attracting people or repelling people.  And ask then yourself "why"?  You do yourself a disservice when you play stupid and pretend nothing is wrong with you when you look at yourself, because people are reacting to you because of the way that they are SEEING you, your choices and your actions.

Then you start to realize that there isn't anything another person can DO.  Attraction comes from within.  And from the desire and interest in other people.  Not from someone outside of yourself.  When others try to suck the life from someone else it only looks like a "fatal attraction”.  You don't have anything to offer anyone because you are grasping at straws for something only you can change, and in turn other people are going to avoid you.

When you have tried to scapegoat or shift the focus onto another PERSON, it may not be possible for this person to have respect for you ever again because of the your actions, and your refusal to accept the consequences and responsibility for them, but other people may if you take deliberate action to change.  This person just isn’t capable of respecting you or being influenced by you and probably are just not logically capable of  seeing you in any other way  because of the choices you’ve made concerning them.

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